Angelina Jolie is taking heat for her directorial debut, as critics claim the actress had an “ignorant” attitude towards rape survivors in Bosnia. Harsh talk Angelina, a mom who travels the world to help others—but the buzz about the movie won’t go away!
The untitled movie is the story of a Serbian man and a Bosnian Muslim woman who meet and fall in love during the 1992-1995 Balkans conflict. It has been reported in the media that the Bosnian Women Victims of War Association sent a letter to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on Monday and critics claim the movie is about a Bosnian woman falling for a Serbian man who raped her.
Jolie responded to critics of the film as she was promoting The Tourist in Paris. According to the Associated Press, she said that the majority of Bosnian people have been supportive of the project. The actress asked critics to “hold judgment” until they have seen the film.
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