Thursday, November 25, 2010

Martha Stewart: How Long to Cook a Turkey, Roasting a Turkey Recipes and Videos

martha stewart how long to cook a turkey roasting a turkey recipes video

Martha Stewart: How long to cook a turkey, roasting a turkey videos

Looking for tips on how long to cook a turkey, roasting a turkey, or turkey recipes? Look no further than Martha Stewart for all your Thanksgiving Day cooking questions!

First up, watch Martha Stewart’s Turkey 101 video – she gives the details on how long to cook a turkey, basting every half hour as it roasts. Don’t forget to always use your thermometer: it should register 180 degrees. 

Martha Stewart’s Perfect Roast Turkey Recipe

More Martha Stewart Thanksgiving recipes: turkey, sides

We’ve also assembled some Martha Stewart videos for Thanksgiving Day fun, including celeb dads Russell Crowe and Snoop Dogg, and Modern Family’s Jesse Tyler Ferguson.

Martha Stewart and Russell Crowe make turkey:


Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart make mashed potatoes:

Adorable turkey cupcakes video:

Modern Family’s Jesse Tyler Ferguson:

And just for fun… Amy Sedaris and Martha make a cake!

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